Author: Melanie Eyre

Van Gogh!

Van Gogh painted some emotion evoking pictures! Yes, he is one of my favorites partly because of the difficult life he lived, but mostly because his work is superb. His paintings are so poignant in a good way. Look at this picture of his that I saw in The Met:

A photo does not do it justice. I hope you can see at least some of the texture in the paint. It is so alive with movement. The seeds and petals of the flower actually poke out. Here is a closeup:

And then in the MoMA, I got to stand next to The Starry Night. That was an emotional experience for me. Just look at my face. Art has spirit. It just does.

Hanging with the Greats

Recently, I had the time of my life rubbing shoulders some famous artists, or at least with original paintings by some of the greats. I visited The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Here are the some pictures of me with some of my favorites.


Which Monet to Stand by?

De Hooch

Renoir (pronounced RenWAH)

A Degas I didn’t know was there. (pronounced DeGAH)

Inside the Met.

Leaving the Met

Old Pine Tree and Peacock

Watch the videos to see a preschool Art Appreciation lesson live. So much fun!

Salvador Dali: tiny painting

Did you know Salvador Dali’s painting, Persistence of Memory, is only 9.5″ x 13″? That is only slightly bigger than a piece of paper. It hangs in the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. The small size surprised me.

ESL Lessons

Here is a preview of some ESL Lessons. Complete ESL Lesson plans for week one are now available! Week Two, Week Three, etc coming soon!

The Art of Art Appreciation

Here is a preview of The Art of Art Appreciation. Use the free download (Degas, Blue Dancersto look at what a lesson is like. Also the other lessons include thumbnails of at least four pages. Just click on the lesson you want to see and the thumbnails appear.

Printing Art lessons

A quick note if you print the Art of Art Appreciation lessons: Some of the art (by its nature) needs to be in landscape format, yet all the lesson instructions are in portrait. You can easily set your printer to choose the correct format by going to your print page and selecting “Auto portrait/landscape.” Your printer will print each image as it should be.